Orange Blotched (OB) Peacock Cichlid

Orange Blotched (OB) Peacock Cichlid

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  • $12.99

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Scientific Name: N/A

Family: Chilidae

Origin: Farm-raised; hybridized from Lake Malawi species


Quick Facts

  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive 
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Water Conditions: 76-82° F, KH 10-15, pH 7.8-8.6
  • Maximum Size: 4" - 5"
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons


OB Peacocks are not a naturally occurring species, though the various species that they have been hybridized from were from Lake Malawi, Africa. Most commonly it is speculated that they were originally a cross between some type of Aulonocara male and a Mbuna female, but other species may have also been utilized. Since they are a hybrid, they can vary greatly in pattern and coloration, but all will be mottled with some degree of blotching. The body ranges from orange to yellow to pink and even to blue and no two fish are the same. Females are often smaller and much duller in color. 

Though individuals can vary in temperament, they are generally peaceful like other peacocks and will do well with other semi-aggressive cichlids. They should be kept on sand or fine gravel and have plenty of rockwork to establish territories in. Males will not usually be aggressive towards other males unless their territory is invaded, or if they are a dominant male. If kept in an all male group to prevent breeding, they will establish a pecking order. 

They are relatively easy to breed and will spawn readily.* For best results, provide multiple females for one male to disperse any breeding aggression and amorous behavior. The females are mouthbrooders and will incubate the eggs for three weeks and then release the fry. Small live brine shrimp and high quality fry preparations will be ideal for their growth, while adults should be fed meaty live and frozen foods as well as pellet and flake foods with plenty of protein. High quality foods will enhance their coloration.

* = They may try to hybridize with other species of peacock cichlids. If you want to avoid hybridization, it is best to only keep one species or type per tank or only males or females.