Emerald Dwarf Rasbora/Danio
Please contact us at info@baybridgeaquarium.com to confirm immediately availability. Livestock inventory is subject to change and prior sale. Fish shipments may take several days to fulfill.
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The Emerald Dwarf Rasbora is listed in the genus Microrasbora, but that will likely change because of the discovery that they are more closely related to danios than rasboras. It is a peaceful, timid, active fish that can be kept with like sized danios, rasboras, devarios, and smaller barbs but their colors are brightest and they are most sociable in shoals of at least 6-8 of their own species.
- Scientific Name: Danio erythromicron, Microrasbora erythromicron
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Water Conditions: 70-77° F, 10-25 °d, pH 7.0-7.5
- Max. Size: 1.5″
- Color Form: Iridescent copper, green, blue
- Diet: Omnivore
- Origin: Lake Inle, Myanmar
- Family: Cyprinidae
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