Speckled Bichir
Please contact us at info@baybridgeaquarium.com to confirm immediately availability. Livestock inventory is subject to change and prior sale. Fish shipments may take several days to fulfill.
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Scientific Name: Polypterus retropinnis
Family: Polypteridae
Origin: West Africa
Quick Facts
- Care Level: Difficult
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive
- Lifespan: 15-20 years average, 30+ years possible
- Water Conditions: 77-83° F, KH 1-12, pH 6.5-7.5
- Maximum Size: 12" (1'6" - 2')
- Diet: Carnivore
- Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Bichirs should be fed a variety of meaty foods including: different types of worms, shrimp, krill, and most will also readily accept frozen preparations, pellets and wafers. They can be fed feeder fish but there is a risk of parasites or disease being introduced to your tank so it is not usually recommended.