Full Red Albino Guppy

Full Red Albino Guppy

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  • €46,95

  • Note: In-store prices on livestock may vary from our website.

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The Full Red Albino Guppy is a relatively new color variety available to the aquarium community. This guppy sports a rich red color throughout most of the body with red eyes thanks to albino genetics. Like other guppy species, male coloration is more solid, but in this case, the females also feature a good amount of color than what is typical. These guppies have longer tails and dorsal fins, making them a beautiful addition to any peaceful community tank or as the sole species. 

Guppies are typically known as top-level swimmers but will swim to mid and lower areas of the aquarium from time to time. They do tend to jump and should be kept in aquariums that have lids for security. They are a peaceful species and should be kept with non-aggressive tank mates. Adult shrimp are typically safe, but guppies may eat shrimp fry. We recommend keeping a group of at least 4-5 guppies. 


Guppies are not picky eaters and will readily accept a varied diet. We recommend high-quality pellets, flake foods, frozen or freeze-dried foods.

Tank bred

  • Temperament: Peaceful - Should be kept with peaceful species
  • Average Size: 1 - 1.5"
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Tank Size: 5-10G minimum