Current USA Orbit Marine IC LED Light

Current USA

  • €126,95

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1 in stock

The new Orbit® Marine IC LED brings your aquarium to life in an entirely new way. Delivering brilliant color and brightness, it’s capable of things never seen before in an aquarium light.  From watching clouds gently roll across your reef to producing surging water currents and pulsing waves, it completely changes your aquarium experience.

The key to the Orbit® Marine IC LED is LOOP®. LOOP® is the first and only system specifically designed for connecting and syncing lights, pumps and accessories into a single, controllable network.  From programming a daily light cycle with weather patterns to creating surging water flow, LOOP® simplifies it all.


Producing eye-popping color and amazing color rendition, full spectrum control allows you to create the perfect color spectra for your reef.  A powerful blend of Dual Actinic blue 445nm/460nm, Dual Daylight white 6,700K/10,000K and RGB LEDs combined with 90° spherical optical lenses delivers the perfect blend of light for strong coral growth and amazing fluorescence.

Orbit Marine IC LED Specifications 


What's In The Box

  • Orbit® IC LED Light (IP65 water resistant) w/sliding docking mounts
  • LOOP® Light & Wave Pump Controller w/mounting bracket
  • LOOP® Light HUB w/mounting bracket (controls two lights)
  • Wireless IR Remote Control
  • Remote IR Sensor
  • 12VDC UL® Approved Power Supply
  • Instructions

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