Kordon Rid Ich Plus

Cental Pet

  • $5.99

4 in stock

  • Controls Ich and other external protozoan, dinoflagellate and fungal diseases of fish
  • For fresh and saltwaterfish
  • Will not harm biological filters when used as directed
  • The foremost Ich chemical treatment for aquarium and pond fish
  • Made in U.S.A.
Kordon's Rid·Ich Plus® (formerly known as Rid-Ich +) is a combination of two powerful medications which have proven effective in the control of many diseases of freshwater fishes caused by external protozoan (single cell) parasites such as white spot disease, Ichthyophthiriasis, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella and saltwater external parasites such as Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium. The medication can also treat fungal infections in fishes.

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